Gence Preschool | Gence Çocuk Yuvası (International Nursery and Preschool Ankara, International Nursery Ankara, International Preschool Ankara, International Nursery)
Gence Çocuk Yuvası (International Nursery and Preschool Ankara, International Nursery Ankara, International Preschool Ankara, International Nursery
Ankara English Preschool, ankara yuva, ankara kreş, Ankaradaki kreşler, çankaya yuva, çankaya kreş, Anaokulu faaliyetleri, International Nursery and Preschool Ankara, International Nursery Ankara, International Preschool Ankara, International Nursery
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Child centered, active learning environment

best preschool ankara
Daily Schedule

08:30 Opening Time

08:45-09:30   Morning Snack(in rotation) /Free Play Time

09:30-10:00   Circle Time

10:00-12:30   Table Works – Play Times – Yoga – Music&Movement – Rhythm Works – Art – Culinary Experiences – Playground Times(in rotation)

11:30-13:00   Lunch Times(in rotation)

12:00-14:30   Rest Time (for older groups 1 hour rest time and then free play time)

14:30-15:30   Afternoon Snacks(in rotation)

15:00-16:30   Story & Singing Times – Table Games – Free Play Time – Playground Times(in rotation)

16:30 Closing Time

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Security and Privacy

We kindly ask our parents to notify the pre-school supervisor immediately, in case of a change in their home address, phone number and emergency contact number, so that they can be timely reached when necessary.

We expect all our parents to enter the school with their children in the mornings and to pick their children up from their classroom in the afternoons. We believe communicating with the teachers everyday will strenghten family-school partnership and help your child to feel secure at school. Therefore, we do not accept children to be dropped off at the front gate.

The names of the persons authorized to take children from school, should be indicated in the registration form. In case some other person is going to pick them up, the school must be informed ahead of time and that person must identify himself with a legal ID.

To ensure our children’s security at school, in the front, we have two locked gates that can be opened only from inside by adults. Our school entrance is also monitored by security cameras that screens the entrance of the school and the lobby.

We respect our children’s and families’ privacy. We do not publish any photos of children in social media or on our website. All the photos taken during the year are shared with the families with newsletters weekly and at the end of the year you can take all your child’s photos by bringing a flashdrive to school.

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Our Philosophy

Our curriculum is based on the philosophy that young children learn through their interactions with their environment and the people around them. Our educational philosophy supports child and play centered developmentally appropriate activities for children. Read more…

Preschool Ankara Turkey

We kindly ask our parents not to send their child to school if the trouble is other than a very mild cold. Read more…

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does my child need to be potty trained to start your school?

No, it is not required to be potty trained to start school. However, after child’s transition to our school, we discuss the potty training process with the parents and start the process with cooperation of parents. More Questions…

Summer School Program

Do you want a school holiday full  of action, excitement and adventure? Then come to Gence Preschool. Read more…

best preschool in ankara
Registration and School Fees
Parents Involvement

Studies have shown that parents who are actively involved in the education of their children can build strong foundations of competent learners. Read more…

preschool ankara turkey

The role of the teachers in Gence Preschool is based on the philosophy that young children learn through their own self-directed interactions with their environment and the people within it. Read more…

Preschool Ankara Turkey

We do not have a school bus for transportation.

The gallery


To give us the best chance of figuring out exactly what you need, please send us an e-mail and we’ll try to respond as soon as possible. Thank you!


Address: Mahatma Gandhi Caddesi
No: 102/A Gaziosmanpaşa

Tel: 0 312 426 43 67