1. Does my child need to be potty trained to start your school?
No, it is not required to be potty trained to start school. However, after child’s transition to our school, we discuss the potty training process with the parents and start the process with cooperation of parents.
2. How do you handle challenging behaviors of children?
Verbal praises and recognition are used to motivate positive behaviour for children. Children are given choices rather than given orders so they feel they have the ability to make decisions for themselves. Food or treats are never given as rewards to accomplish a certain task or achieve certain behaviours.
3. What is the percentage of international children at your school?
Although it changes from classroom to classroom and year to year, on average the percentage of our international children is more than 40.
4. How do you do new children’s transition in to your school?
During the first days of the school, it is accepted that one of child’s relatives can join to the classroom along with the child. According to the child’s orientation to the school, the adaptation period is formed in accordance with the mutual decision of the parent and the management. But in average we want parents to spare time with us at least for 3 days.
5. Do you organize birthday parties at school?
When it is your child’s birthday, you can send a birthday cake to school for afternoon snack to share with his/her classmates. We help him/her to feel special for that day. We do not accept any party kind of celebrations not to interfere our daily classroom program.
6. Which schools do your graduates attend after your program?
Most of our Turkish graduates choose Turkish private schools that support English as a second language and our international children attend to some international programs in Ankara. Our curriculum complies with all these programs above.