The role of the teachers in Gence Preschool is based on the philosophy that young children learn through their own self-directed interactions with their environment and the people within it. The role of the teacher includes the following.
*Preparing the learning environment.
*Observing the children and individualizing the curriculum.
*Interacting with the children.
*Notifying parents regarding their children’s development ongoing bases.
Experience allows a teacher to know when to interact with the children and when to step back and observe. A teacher’s interactions with the children are governed by the following considerations.
*When interacting with the children, teachers lower themselves on their eye level.
*Teachers speak to the children in a normal voice. They never talk “down” to them.
*Teachers encourage children to make choice and to solve problems by using open-ended questions and by discussing alternatives.
*Teachers support children in their risk taking as learners. They encourage and accept their best attempts.
Learning is a social event and takes place within a social context. The teacher is a part of this social group. Rather than being solely a director of activities, the teacher must act as a collaborative learner in the classroom. Children need to see the teacher as a part of their ongoing learning process.